Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekend Wake-up Call

The weekends are so nice because our little guy gets to sleep in, stay in his jammies a little longer, and we get to enjoy Preston all day.  Like I said before, I can not wait until summer to where I can enjoy my family all day every day.  I'm ready to be in the moment.

For instance...this is the face I get when I greet Preston after he wakes up.

He makes me a morning person :)

Haha, a drastic contrast from what my husband looks like when he wakes up ;)

When Preston sleeps in it's until about 6:30am (which makes 12 hours of sleep), he eats his 6 oz bottle, and then he's back to sleep around 8 or 8:30am.  When he wakes up at 10 or 10:30, it's time for oatmeal mixed with fruit!

C'mon Grammy, let's go eat breakfast!

Look at that shy, precious smile!  So tickled to be having oatmeal with his Grammy.

It's been about a week so far, but we've started giving Preston Graduate Blueberry Puffs - he's done a great job figuring out how to pick them up, aim them in his mouth, and start chewing gumming. 

I look forward to practicing this more with him with some more mushier solids.  Those gross motor skills are coming right along!

Those lips!

I never used to be a morning person, but Preston has forced me to be - and he's the perfect alarm clock :)

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Emily said...

That morning smile? Pat's morning face? Those lips!?!? I'm falling over... I love it all :)

Kate @ Teaching What Is Good said...

What a doll!! Thanks for linking up with my Loving Our Children Tuesday link-up. Everyone should see his sweet face!!

Carrie said...

Ahh, cute litte guy! Weekends are the best, and always go by much to quickly. Stopping by from SITS. :)

Stephanie said...

What a cutie! I love your blog! Found it on the blog hop. I love all the pictures!

Anne Birdsong said...

Hi, my name is Anne, and I'm here from SITS. Oh, he is so beautiful!

I love your tagline. So real, so funny....

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